Robot-assisted surgery

Benefit from advanced surgical technology in the hands of experts. If you need a urologic or gynecologic procedure, select Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula.

Conditions we treat robotically

Community Hospital’s specially trained surgeons robotically treat:

  • Urinary system conditions in both men and women, including certain kidney disorders and cancer of the bladder, kidney, or ureters
  • Male reproductive system conditions, such as prostate cancer or urinary blockage due to an enlarged prostate
  • Female reproductive system conditions, such as fibroids, endometriosis, abnormal or heavy bleeding, and pelvic organ prolapse

How robotic surgery works

During robotic surgery, a specially trained surgeon uses robotic tools and a computer known as the da Vinci® Xi surgical system.

While viewing high-definition, 3D images of the surgical area, your surgeon guides tiny instruments. These tools move in real time to perform your procedure. They’re more flexible, precise, and have a greater range of motion than the human hand, so your treatment is as accurate as possible.

Benefits of minimally invasive techniques

Robot-assisted surgery uses small incisions and tiny tools, so it’s less invasive than traditional (open) surgery, which uses one large incision. You’ll benefit from a faster recovery with less risk of pain, bleeding, infection, and scarring.

Ask for a referral

You’ll need a doctor’s referral for surgery at Montage Health. Talk to your primary care provider to learn more.

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